Great Information Resources from Global Knowledge
I was talking on the phone with the content management team at Global Knowledge yesterday, when they alerted me to the oodles and scads of free technical material they publish through their Resource Library. This morning, I started delving into that material, and found myself impressed and delighted enough to want to share it with the GoCertify readership.
What you'll find there, should you go visit yourself, is a collection of more than 300 items including a variety of special reports, videos, recorded webinars, and white papers. In chewing through that collection, I netted a number of notable gems that should be of interest to many (if not most) IT professionals out there.
Here's a quick sampling with some links to the source materials cited or referenced:
Guide to ITIL Certifications and TIPS for Exam Success: A walk-through of the ITIL cert portfolio, from Foundation through Expert levels, and all points in between. This white paper explains the value of these credentials to the individuals who hold them, as well as the organizations who hire those people. It also provides some useful tips on how best to prepare for, and pass these exams.
How to Build a VMware vSphere 6.x Home Lab: A step-by-step recitation of what to buy and how to configure the necessary setups for VMware Workstation, vSphere and vCenter (vc). Incredibly useful for those thinking about or already pursuing VMware certs at the VCA level or higher.
What to Expect with the New PMBOKv6 Updates: The PMBOK is the Project Management body of knowledge for the PMI's evergreen, always-popular Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. This 55-minute webinar, recorded in December 2017, walks through the changes to the body of knowledge that will take effect when a new PMP goes live in March 2018.
GK's resident PMP, Dan Stober, walks through the changes in the body of knowledge and explains what it means for those preparing for the PMP exam. Great stuff.
Amazon Web Services: An Overview: Because there are many pieces and parts, and a lot of supporting infrastructure to understand, getting one's head around Amazon Web Services (AWS) can be a challenge. With over 100 services available from dozens of data centers around the globe, there's a lot going on here.
You'll have to choose from compute, storage, networking, deployment, management and a slew of other "supporting services" to put a working AWS installation together. Read this to help you understand how and where to start, and where to go from there.
I could go on and on to add more descriptions of other notable items, but this is something you'll want to explore for yourself. Here comes the good part: you don't need to register with the site — as is so often the case for companies offering information of perceived (or actual) value — to download and read or watch these items.
Browse your way around to your heart's content without having to cough up your name, e-mail address, company affiliation, phone number, and a promise for your first-born child. That's the way I like to see information and service providers do business, and I imagine you won't find it too unpleasant, either.
Be sure to check it out, including the ten network security tools and tests item, the Google Cloud Platform Architecture item, the Cloud Migration Pitfalls item, and the Cloud and Your Job item, to provide an additional sampling of pieces I found compelling enough to read on sight.
I'm gonna have to poke around some of my other favorite training companies to see what they've got to share along these same lines. This could open up a whole new major source for interesting reading with career development potential. That's a pretty good thing, in my book!