Certification Magazine Rewards Salary Survey Participants with Free Digital Subscription
U.S. presidential candidates have stirred up a lot of talk about wages and earning power in recent weeks, and no wonder. Few topics engage the average worker, whatever their realm of expertise, like that of salary. Work is the biggest defining influence in many people's daily lives, and the question of salary is perhaps the single most influential factor in determining many workers' satisfaction with their employment situation. (Not the only factor in that equation, mind you — just the one that counts for most.)
That's one reason why Certification Magazine, a GoCertify publication since 2013, has always gotten a strong response to its annual Salary Survey issue. Readers, over the years, have liked that issue so much that, in 2014, Certification Magazine began publishing new salary data in every issue. That data comes from smaller, more focused surveys. Once a year, however, the CertMag team still takes aim at the biggest possible target. The current Salary Survey was launched last week, and is the largest one to date, listing more than 800 different IT certifications.
Like a lot of things in computing and technology, the Salary Survey is only as good as its inputs. If nobody participates, then the data will be based on a lousy sample. The more certified IT professionals who pitch in and give accurate, thoughtful answers, however, the more comprehensive and representative the data will be. And because better data is better for everyone, Certification Magazine is offering a reward to anyone who participates. Every certified IT pro who takes the entire survey will qualify to receive a one-year digital subscription to Certification Magazine free of charge.
There's also an incentive for people who'd rather turn ink-and-paper pages than click a mouse, or use the "forward" and "back" arrows on their personal electronic reader of choice. Survey participants who like to receive their magazines by mail can get 40 percent off the price of a one-year Certification Magazine print subscription. If you're the type who hates making decisions, then you can even have both: free digital subscription, 40-percent-off print subscription. Does it get any better than that?
The Salary Survey is important for the magazine, but it also has a regular presence on CertMag.com throughout the year. We can't fit everything that pops through into a single issue, so the CertMag website features periodic follow-up articles that include previously undisclosed Salary Survey data. We aren't just asking for 20 minutes of your time to pump out a single magazine issue. The harvest of data that comes from the Salary Survey is the gift that keeps on giving.
None of it can happen, however, without the diligence and consideration of certified IT professionals. If you've enjoyed the benefits of certification in your IT career, then please consider taking a moment to contribute your perspective to the Salary Survey. And rest assured that your participation is valued. We hope to hear from as many of you as possible, and we'll do our best to make the result well worth everyone's time.