Happy Independence Day from Your Friends at GoCertify
IT certification is a global industry. There are IT professionals in countries around the globe who are seeking certification and who benefit daily from the knowledge, self-confidence and (in many cases) increased employment compensation gained through certification.
GoCertify embraces the global character of certification. Earlier this year we launched GoCertify India, the first site in the GoCertify family that addresses the IT certification industry of a specific locale. And we will continue to reach out to certified professionals in many lands.
GoCertify is proud to have been born in the U.S.A., however, and so while we ordinarily have a regular article on Saturdays, our team is in the midst of a holiday weekend. We apologize for interruption to our regular routine, and promise to return with more of our usual laser focus on certification this Monday.
Until then, we wish everyone a safe weekend, particularly our friends in the United States. Enjoy the food and fireworks, and scroll down for a special salute from all of us at GoCertify: