Ed discovers a Top 10 certifications list (issued by PC Magazine) that he can entirely endorse. What does it take win his full approval? Solid sourcing from respectable troves of IT industry information.
Wow! This doesn’t happen very often: inflation is down, job numbers are still OK, and unemployment just dipped. What's more, CompTIA reports that IT employment is on an even keel.
In security circles, zero trust can be understood to mean “never trust, always verify.” This turns out to be an excellent way to manage security in the cloud where lots of parties mix and mingle.
Ed Tittel pokes around online for column ideas and comes face-to-face with ... somebody extremely familiar. Let's discuss why some things are not as readily recyclable as cardboard boxes and aluminum cans.
All the major indicators are good, but neither too strong nor too weak. Ed Tittel says it's just like a certain little girl visiting a cottage in the forest.
It’s becoming something of a truism that “AI changes everything.” This goes double for all thing IT — including training and certification. AI is definitely improving both exam preparation and the exams themselves.
More than 40 million Americans are still paying off some measure of the cost of their college education that is owed to the U.S. Department of Education.
Using the A+ name as an interest magnet, CompTIA is offering free entry-level cybersecurity and network training courses and certificates via Coursera.